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How does Selenium WebDriver interact with Browser?

How does Selenium WebDriver interact with Browser?

How does Selenium WebDriver interact with Browser?

Selenium WebDriver is a solution for automating browsers that receive and transmit instructions to the Browser. This is made possible by a certain browser driver. You can command it by speaking with the Browser directly. A collection of open-source APIs called Selenium WebDriver can be used to automate web application testing. If you want to know How does Selenium WebDriver interact with Browser? FITA Academy is the right place to learn Selenium Training in Chennai with Selenium Certified Professionals.

Testing web applications can be automated with WebDriver, specifically confirming that they function as expected. With a nicer API that is simpler to explore and comprehend than the Selenium-RC (1.0) API, your tests will be simpler to read and maintain.

How to install the Selenium WebDriver

Grid Selenium

A programme called Selenium Grid is used in conjunction with Selenium RC to run tests concurrently across various PCs and web browsers. i.e., conducting several tests concurrently on several computers using various operating systems and browsers.

To communicate with the selected Browser, Selenium needs a web controller. Various tools for interacting with a web browser make up web controllers. A standard communication protocol connects it to a web browser or distant web server. Your selected Browser’s web drivers can be checked and installed.


Multiple software components can communicate through an application programming interface (API). Let’s concentrate on how Selenium functions rather than its many uses, which range from working with the Selenium IDE to creating data-driven frameworks.

A Firefox plugin is Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The simplest structure of Selenium can be found here. It enables the recording and playback of scripts. FITA Academy is the best institution with the experts to teach Selenium Online Training.

Creating an instance of the WebDriver interface

All applications using the Selenium WebDriver API begin with the WebDriver interface. Writing your Selenium test begins with instantiating the WebDriver interface. Using the constructor for a certain web browser, you can build an instance of the WebDriver interface. These constructors have different names in different web browsers and receive different calls in different programming languages.

Use the WebDriver interface instance you just created to call methods and access other interfaces utilised in the Basic phases. You achieve this by giving a variable an interface when you create it and then utilising that variable to call methods.

Browser Automation Using Selenium

Selenium is an effective technology for automating web browser control. It functions properly across all major browsers and operating systems, and its scripts were created in several languages, such as Python, Java, C#, and Python.

Learning Selenium will enable you to write 15–30 lines of Python code to automate your daily tasks, and control your tweets, WhatsApp text messages, and even Google without opening a browser. With Selenium, the potential for automation is virtually endless. For automation, Selenium supports a variety of browser types.

TestNG may incorporate Selenium to test several browsers. We can access the WebDriver in a test case by passing the browser name from the intesting.xml parameters. To receive HTTP requests, each browser driver connects to an HTTP server.

Once the browser driver receives the URL, it sends the request over HTTP to the Browser. Then the Browser will carry out the commands in your Selenium script. Join Selenium Training in Coimbatore and learn Selenium professionally under the guidance of industry experts.